
Check out our latest storytelling and puppetry videos!

What is Storytelling today? Interview

microphone, voice, sound-5594702.jpgSimone Schuemmelfeder in conversation with Seán Moncrieff on Newstalk:

What is storytelling today? Who are the Storytellers of Ireland and how do they work? Is storytelling still relevant today? (Spoiler: Yes, most definitely!)

Simone, recently appointed secretary of Storytellers of Ireland/AOS SCÉAL ÉIREANN, an all-island organization which promotes and advocates the art of storytelling, has been interviewed by Seán Moncrieff, discussing what storytelling is, where to find it and how to get involved.

You can listen to the podcast here.

Stories For Little Ones!
A Bread Story

For Louth Libraries and as part of the Government’s First Five Initiative, we have made a series of stories for pre-schoolers that include fun puppetry, great stories and nursery rhymes! Here the first one: A bread Story. Ella wants to make breakfast, but the bread has disappeared! Where could it be? And what will she find when she opens the cupboard? Not bread, I can tell you that much!


The Glove -
A Ukrainian Folktale

The first in our new series of featured folktales from Ukraine is “The Glove”, a well-known and well-loved story of sharing and living together in peace. It was part of our sensory story time programme and is told using sensory prompts while using no music or additional sound effets.

Sensory Story time

Spring Into Story Time - Creative Writing

Dragons, griffins, mermaids – there are so many mythical creatures out there! But how do you create your very own magical creature for your story? Join Simone in this workshop for Fingal Libraries and learn the 4 most important things to keep in mind when creating a magical creature!

Includes a deleted scene from Simone’s (unpublished) book DEEPWOOD CITY!

Creative writing

spring Into Story Time-

For this video we were delighted to team up with my sister again, Ann-Christin Schuemmelfeder, who created the wonderful illustrations to the Grimm fairy tale King Thrushbeard. A story of haughtiness and pride, of love and redemption and what it takes for people to change their ways.

The video was made for Fingal Libraries’ Spring Into Story Time events.


Spring Into Story Time -

Despite the warnings of the local villagers, a hunter decides to take over an abandoned mill and gets more than he bargained for – a beautiful Croatian folktale, told by Simone for Fingal Libraries’ Spring Into Story Time events.



Who's In Your Book?
Diversity in Children's Books

StoryGate teamed up with the Goethe-Institut Dublin for Culture Night 2021 and their project DRIN -Visions For Children’s Books. In this video, we introduce a Swiss children’s book that was written for everyone who is different: SAMUS GANZER STOLZ (Samu’s Pride And Joy). A book about a little hedgehog who looses all his spikes, written for and about children with Alopecia areata universalis (circular hair loss that affects the whole body).

We especially thank the authors Jaqueline and Daniel Kauer of KaleaBook for their kind permission to use the story for our video. Copyright of text and images to SAMUS GANZER STOLZ lies with KaleaBook. While the book is currently only available in German, the authors provided us with an English version of their lovely book for this video.


The Boastful Crow:
A storytelling and puppetry Adventure

On the 12th of June is Cruinniú na nÓg , Ireland’s national day of celebrating creativity with children! For this day, we have teamed up with The Chester Beatty to create a new storytelling and puppetry adventure. The Boastful Crow tells the story of a young crow who thinks he knows everything about flying   . . . until he challenges a goose to a flying competition! Storytelling and puppetry fun for ages 3+.


Giggle Time With Katie Katerpillar

Carlow Libraries and StoryGate team up to bring you something special this October: Giggle time with Katie Katerpillar! In this video for 4-7-year-olds, beautiful hand-puppet Katie will bring laughter and fun to your home. Join Katie and German storyteller Simone Schuemmelfeder when they share their favourite story: The best lollipop in the world!

Stories On Your Fingertips - Storytelling video for CBF 2020

It’s Children’s Book Festival! For Cork City Libraries, the tellers of StoryGate have recorded stories and workshops to celebrate children’s books, creative writing and the power of imagination! In this video, Simone from StoryGate will use face-paint to turn her hands into animals and tell a funny story. This is meant to be tried at home! Get some face-paint or water colour and join the fun! Age group: 3+

Image by Ajay kumar Singh from Pixabay

We would love to share the Joy of Storytelling with you !!

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