Marvellous, Mindboggling and Mad! We offer unforgettable workshops for both children and adults.
Children's workshops
Marvellous, Mindboggling and Mad!
We offer unforgettable workshops for both children and adults.
Our workshops for children include our hugely successful “Puppetry and Science Workshops”, in which our slightly mad, but charming donkey-puppet Dan Brody introduces the children to inventors and their stories and Fun experiments. We also offer puppetry workshops where children make their own sock puppets and learn a puppeteer’s secrets (Psssst!) and creative writing and storytelling workshops for kids. (Now also available as videos or zoom sessions).
Workshops for Children
Science, Puppetry, Craft or Writing, our workshops are designed to inspire, challenge and get the imagination going! They usually last between 60 to 90min.
Inventors and their Stories – 8-12 year-olds
Dan the Mad Donkey leads through this workshop where children learn about brilliant inventors and the stories behind their inventions. They even get to come up with their own inventions!
Fun Experiments! – 8-12 year-olds
Join Vinny the Vulture for experiments that you can try at home (no explosions, but it can get messy!)
Sock Puppet Workshop – 7-12 year-olds
Make your own sock puppet with Michael and Katie Katerpillar and learn some puppeteer secrets!
Story-Craft: Make your own Fairy Tale Forest – 6-12 year-olds
Create a magical pop-up forest!
Revolting Villains: Create Your own Story-Villain – 7-12 year-olds
Inspired by Roald Dahl’s terrible villains, this creative writing workshop focuses on how to create characters for your stories that stand out and are memorable.
Adult's workshops
Our “Find Your Voice” storytelling workshops for adults are aimed at everyone who wants to learn to tell stories. With interactive exercises and personal feedback, we tailor these workshops to suit the needs of our participants. Our workshops have been booked by librarians, teachers, universities and even the LauraLynn Children’s Hospice to teach their volunteers.
Storytelling Workshops for Adults
Everyone tells stories. Be it family anecdotes, rumours or a retelling of the latest show you have seen, stories are a huge part of our life, often without us noticing it. Our workshops aim to coax out your inner storyteller. You may want to use it for your work (as a teacher, librarian, performer . . .) or just for yourself. Your voice helps you to express yourself and the stories you chose come to life if you chose them well. We find out beforehand what you intend to learn from us and tailor our workshops to your needs. As a trained audio-book narrator, Simone can offer tips on reading as well as free telling. Our workshops can last from a quick introduction of 90min to 3hours or full-day workshops. Our various workshops were booked by different institutions, including schools, libraries, festivals, LGMA Spring Into Story Time conference, the Goethe Institute and many more. Here some available formats:
Stepping Stones
Introduction to the techniques of storytelling (90min)
Find Your Voice
How storytelling can benefit you
(3 hours or full day workshop)
Storytelling in the classroom
(3 hours or full day workshop)
Bridging the Gap
Storytelling in Second Language Teaching
(3 hours or full day workshop)

“Excellent. Could have listened to her all day.”
“Simone was very knowledgeable”
“Made me feel more confident”
“Brilliant session”
“She gave me loads of ideas of things to try”(Participants of storytelling workshop for adults given for Volunteers at LauraLynn Ireland's Children's Hospice)
Creative Writing Mentoring
There is great joy in crafting your own story. Simone specializes in children’s stories. She runs the only writing group specifically for Authors of Children’s books and YA fiction at the Irish Writers’ Centre in Dublin and also offers mentoring for aspiring authors. Represented by literary agent Marianne Gunn O’Connor, Simone knows of the ups and downs and many pitfalls of an emerging author’s journey to finding an agent and indeed publication. Her mentoring sessions include essential tips for polishing your pitch and submitting.
Mentoring sessions are usually a full-book read plus a 90min in person feedback session, plus notes on your work. Depending on where you are at with your writing, the sessions can be tailored towards pitching and submitting.
School Visits
All our shows and workshops are suitable for the classroom. We have worked extensively with classes from Junior Infants to Leaving Cert students. Simone was Reader-In-Residence for Laois Libraries and worked with many classes on storytelling and creative writing projects. She also took part in Tipperary Arts Office’s Artists In Primary Schools Scheme 2019, giving her the opportunity to work closely over a longer period of time with the same primary school (Portroe NS).
School visits can be booked directly through us.
Simone is part of Poetry Ireland’s Writers’ In Schools Scheme. Depending on available funding, sessions and workshops can also be booked through Poetry Ireland.